Friday, April 24, 2015

Fritz Schattauer Awarded Scholarship in Munich

State University of New York at Fredonia German language professor, Fritz Schattauer, has been awarded a full scholarship to participate in a seminar at the Goethe Institut in Munich Germany, this summer.  Awarded by the Goethe Institut, the German government’s language institution, to only a few teachers each year, this seminar, entitled “Auffrischung Methodik/Didaktik Daf Unterricht”  will be a refresher course covering current methodology for teachers of German language at the secondary and university levels.  An emphasis will be placed on technology and its role in the second language classroom.  Mr. Schattauer will be spending two weeks in Munich and also completing an online phase of the seminar, prior to his departure in June.  Other teachers in the seminar will come from countries all around the world making German the only common language among the participants.  When asked what he looked forward to the most, Mr. Schattauer said that it was the interaction with the other teachers in the seminar “You really get to know some amazing people from all over the world and develop lessons with them.  Who knows, often after these experiences, a teacher has partners around the world.  This can often lead to interesting cross-cultural activities with both teachers’ students.”  As a teacher of German at Lake Shore Central Schools, as well, Mr. Schattauer will surely be using his new teaching skills at the secondary level.  In addition, he is hopeful that he will be able to develop a study abroad program for his university students.

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